EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is the digital exchange of documents in a standardized format between company, automating and streamlining transactions.

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What is EDI? (Electronic Data Interchange)

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a technology that allows the exchange of commercial information between organizations in a structured digital form based on regulated message formats and standards. Any standard business document exchanged between companies (for example, purchase order, invoice, shipment plan, request for goods availability) can be transferred using the EDI standard and, when both parties have completed the necessary preparations, called the testing and certification phase.

What is ANSI X12, EDIFACT, HIPAA, HL7, RosettaNet

ANSI X12, EDIFACT, HIPAA, HL7, RosettaNet, – these are all different standards to exchange electronic business documents. Some of these standards have been developed for use in a specific industry, according to its special needs. Other standards are developed and widely used, based on geography. For example, the EDI ANSI X12 standard is developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and commonly used in North America. The EDIFACT is widely and commonly used in Europe. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is designed specifically to comply with healthcare law. HL7 standard (Health Level 7) is the standard to exchange medical information. RosettaNet is mostly used in the high technology industry.

Useful reading: What are the differences between RosettaNet, EDI ANSI X12 and EDIFACT

Why EDI?

Exchanging EDI (electronic data interchange) documents between trading partners, improved a lot the supply chain management, by increasing efficiency, simplifying transactions and importantly, increase the speed with which a transaction is processed.

EDI is significantly different from regular email, in which information is transmitted in an unstructured format. What is the difference? For example, you need to submit a purchase order via e-mail, you will probably type the document first, and send it as an attached file. You do not have a 100 % guarantee that your e-mail will be received, correctly understood and processed promptly. Moreover, you need to re-enter the same information in another business system (accounting, ERP or warehouse management).

EDI guarantees the delivery of your business information and, thanks to its structured format, the understanding of electronic documents by all participants in the exchange process. EDI software first processes the information, then translates it into a “readable format”, and then data can be imported directly and automatically into your business system. The result – no manual input, a quick exchange of business information, and a full understanding between trading partners.

If you want to know more how our EDI as a Service and EDI Web Service work, download EDI2XML Brochure: The EDI to XML Service for your Business Needs

Which EDI Communication Protocol to Choose?

One of the most important aspects of exchanging EDI documents is the way information is transferred from one business partner to another. In most cases, trading partners themselves determine which transmission method (communication protocol) they will use. Here are some of the most commonly used communication protocols in the EDI world:


What is EDI VAN (Value Added Network)

VAN is the third party in the process that transmits and stores information in an electronic mailbox until it is received by one of the parties. Since the EDI message contains the destination’s address, the VAN routes the message to the recipient’s box.

Despite its advantages, VAN EDI was not widely distributed due to the high price. Thus, many suppliers communicated with their customers via fax, telephone, and mail, as could not afford the significant costs that VAN required.

As a result, there were failures, such as lost or unread orders and invoices, late deliveries of goods, etc.

With data exchange via the Internet, large and small companies have the opportunity to communicate with their trading partners electronically.

Direct Connection

Direct connection allows you to transfer data directly to a business partner. Types of direct connections include VPN (Virtual Private Network), FTP (File Transfer Protocol) sFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol), and AS2, which encrypts data before sending it over the Internet.

AS2 Standard

The AS2 standard is used to securely transfer EDI and XML documents over the Internet via HTTP. The primary principles behind the AS2 standard are security and secure data transmission over the Internet.

The AS2 standard provides the possibility of almost continuous data transfer since direct HTTP transfers are used. In the AS2 standard – data security is provided by S/MIME via HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) or HTTP/S (HTTP secure), also using MDN. The AS2 standard provides real-time synchronous data transfer with instant delivery messages. Today, leading retail chains and manufacturers use the AS2 standard. The list of companies includes Wal-Mart, Target, Lowe`s, Wegmans, Procter & Gamble, Hershey Foods, Campbell`s and many others.

What are the Advantages of EDI?

  • Eliminates the need to use email, fax, or telephone to transfer documents.
  • Significantly reduce the processing time of documents (enterprises that have implemented EDI, reduce the document processing time by an average of 80%)
  • Eliminate/reduce the number of errors in the document flow due to the almost complete elimination of manual data entry.
  • Fully control the “order-delivery” process.
  • Monitoring the status of documents (sent, accepted, etc.) allows you to control the execution of the order.
  • Elimination of document loss incident – ensures that all documents (Orders, etc.) will be delivered to the supplier on time.
  • Reduction of costs associated with paper workflow: man-hour spending, office supplies, and equipment.

The Most Used UN/EDIFACT Messages

ORDERS – Purchase order (order for delivery of goods or services) – an electronic message that is analogous to an order for the supply of products. It is formed and sent by the buyer to the supplier.

ORDRSP – Purchase Order Response (order confirmation) – an electronic message in which the supplier confirms, corrects or rejects the delivery for each commodity item. Dispatched by the supplier to the buyer.

DESADV – Despatch advice (notice of shipment) – an electronic message that is analogous to the consignment note. This message is generated at the time (or before) the supplier sends the goods. This message indicates the actual (shipped) quantity and range of goods delivered to the buyer.

RECADV – Receiving advice (delivery notice) – an electronic message that contains information about the actually accepted product, as well as it may contain information about the reasons for not accepting the goods. This message is generated at the time (or after) the physical acceptance of the goods by the buyer.

INVOIC Invoice – an electronic message that is similar to a paper invoice.

PRICAT – Price/sales catalog message (product catalog) – an electronic message that contains information about the goods and their price characteristics. This message is generated by the supplier when the price, assortment changes.

PROINQ – Product inquiry (price list request) – an electronic message containing a list of products for which price information is required. Sent by the buyer as necessary to obtain product information.

COACSU – Commercial account summary (the act of review of mutual accounts) – an electronic message that is an analog of the accounting document “Act of reconciliation of mutual settlements”

COMDIS – Commercial dispute message (commercial discussion) – an electronic message that contains information about the discrepancy between the quantity, prices, and VAT rates. Dispatched by the buyer upon detection of an inconsistency in the invoice (INVOIC).

What are the Types of EDI?

We provide various types of EDI:

1. EDI Web Service. EDI2XML Web Service, is an HTTP service running over the internet, on EDI2XML own platform that is capable of receiving HTTP requests to translate EDI messages to XML, and XML messages (based on EDI2XML’s proprietary format) to EDI.

2. EDI Managed Services. EDI2XML Managed Services is our popular “fully managed EDI service”, including translation and communication service offering to businesses of all sizes, from various industries. All conversions of EDI files are done on our end, leaving customers with no on-site installation of software or hardware and an EDI project that is on time and within budget.

3. On-Premises EDI Services. We offer EDI2XML services with “on-Premises” deployment at the customer servers. Basically, there will be few components that will be deployed “on-premises”:

  • The necessary “binary” engines to process and translate from X12/EDIFACT messages to XML and vice versa.
  • Our proprietary “binary” REST API

EDI2XML – the Best EDI Provider

EDI2XML is one of the leaders in the development and implementation of electronic data interchange (EDI) solutions.

Operating in the IT services market for over 20 years, EDI2XML offers the most effective and advanced EDI solutions.

Free EDI consultation


What is EDIFACT? | UN / EDIFACT standard overview

Electronic Data Interchange: Key Information You Need to Know

ANSI ASC X12 Standards Overview

What Are the Differences Between ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT

A technical introduction to EDI

This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.

In this article, we want to talk about the top EDI messages commonly used by trading partners in supply chain management. We will explain the purpose of the EDI messages and their benefits.

What is EDI?

The acronym of EDI is Electronic Data Interchange. The main objective of EDI is to replace the exchange of paper-based business documents.

EDI is the exchange of structured business documents used in B2B. The implementation of EDI is almost limitless. EDI is present in every commercial activity:
– supply chain management
– e-commerce
– Warehousing
– Insurance
– Banking and finance
Electronic data interchange (EDI) is helping businesses to automate specific business processes, as well as to cover an entire cycle of logistics.

What does EDI mean in logistics?

In short terms, an EDI is a flow where one business partner can create digital and electronic “business documents”, compliant to a specific standard (i.e. X12, EDIFACT, Tradacom, RosettaNet,) and transfer to the second party in a secured telecommunication channel.

Useful: eBook:  EDI – Key Information You Need to Know

The most commonly used set of EDI messages

Top EDI messages

Following is the list of o the most commonly used EDI transaction sets used in today’s business space, from supply chain management to e-commerce, you will find the following documents as the basics for EDI exchange:

– EDI 846 Inventory status
– EDI 850 Purchase Order
– EDI 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgement
– EDI 856 Ship Notice/manifest (ASN)
– EDI 860 P/O Change
– EDI 810 Invoice

The above EDI messages, called “must-have” because they are necessary to automate the most important trading cycle in the supply chain management, eCommerce, and Drop-ship space.

Many companies do not limit themselves only on the above EDI messages, they can decide to leverage other transactions and business documents to improve their supply chain effectiveness; as an example, they can request to add the 753, 754, and other documents related to pickup and delivery…

Useful: EDI Transaction Types – Complete List of EDI Transactions

EDI messages types

EDI 846 Inventory status

Most trading partners in the supply chain and eCommerce space, request that their suppliers update them with their inventory status by sending the EDI 846 document. You can check the details about this document in this article.

EDI 850 Purchase Order

Often, this is the first type of EDI message that companies such as retail chains, manufacturers, warehouses, or 3PL-providers to exchange when they switch to EDI.

EDI 850 contains:

  • Order number
  • Required date and time of delivery
  • Reference to the contract or contract number
  • Price
  • Sender and customer information, the place of delivery
  • Information on the contents of the order (bar codes, quantity, the name of the goods, multiplicity of packaging).

With the EDI 850, the product ordering process goes faster and becomes cheaper as the number of people involved in the process is reduced. Thanks to the fast and guaranteed transfer of information about the order, the supplier improves the reliability of the deliveries.

EDI 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgement

EDI 855 response to the Purchase Order is a “couple” message for EDI 850. The supplier sends EDI 855 to the buyer in accordance with the order value or suggesting to make changes regarding order quantities. This helps to avoid disruption in the supply chain.

Useful reading: What is EDI 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment?

EDI 856 Ship Notice/manifest or ASN

ASN is a pair of EDI 861 Receiving Advice.

These notifications are exchanged between the business partners at the stage of shipment and receipt of the goods.

The supplier sends ASN immediately after the shipment. This EDI message helps to simplify and speed up the process of acceptance of goods. EDI 856 Ship Notice/manifest contains detail shipment information:

  • Shipment information (bill of lading number, ship to, ship from, etc.)
  • Unit load information about a physical shipping item.
  • Order information such as purchase order number, buying place, division number, etc.
  • Tare information about the pallets.
  • Pack information about the shipping package (cartons, racks, bags, etc.,)
  • Item information about the shipped goods, such as SKU identification, quantity shipped, etc.

Companies that have implemented ASN significantly increase the speed of receiving goods and entering data into the business system – with EDI 856 you do not need to drive numbers manually from the invoices. ASN information can go directly to the business system.

For the big trading retailers, this type of EDI message is a vital necessity. Advance notification of the goods delivery helps to prepare for its acceptance. Even before the supplier’s truck arrives, the retailers already have a list of the goods sent.

EDI 860 Buyer triggered P/O change

EDI 860 is a transaction sent to the supplier advising him about a change in the Purchase order sent earlier. The change can be to increase/decrease/delete quantities on an order or to change dates.

EDI 810 Invoice

EDI 810 Invoice is an electronic invoice transaction sent by the supplier to the buyer.

Learn more about  x12 810 Invoice in this article: What is an ANSI ASC X12 EDI 810 invoice?

Becoming EDI Compliant

We will help you save on EDI, quickly perform the integration, configure the connection with any trading partner or supplier.

Contact us today for more information and for pricing.

Free Consultation

Related Posts:

What is EDI 846 document?

What is EDIFACT? | UN / EDIFACT standard overview

Electronic Data Interchange: Key Information You Need to Know

What Are the Differences Between ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT

This post was updated to reflect current trends and information. 

A Technical Introduction to EDI

Before I start explaining anything about EDI2XML, I would like to start by giving a more technical introduction to EDI, its usage, and its history. EDI is an acronym for Electronic Data Interchange. It has been around for a long time and has been used by retailers and private corporations in several verticals (health, retail, insurance…). When people in the business community talk about exchanging “EDI transactions“, they refer to a combination of the following:

  • Structured EDI file format including version, revision, standard…
  • Protocol of communication, medium and security (FTP, sFTP, AS2, VAN)
  • Business partners (vendors, retailers…)

Simply speaking, EDI is the process of “electronically” exchanging documents between business partners in a pre-defined format. The information is transmitted in a secured manner. Normally, files with EDI format are structured and follow “EDI standards”.

EDI Standards

There are several widely used EDI standards, including:

  1. ANSI ASC X12: This is the predominant standard used in North America for various industries, such as retail, healthcare, transportation, and finance. It defines specific transaction sets like purchase orders (850), invoices (810), and shipping notices (856).
  2. UN/EDIFACT: This is an international EDI standard developed by the United Nations. It is widely used outside of North America and is popular in sectors like transportation, logistics, and customs. UN/EDIFACT includes a comprehensive set of message types covering various business processes.
  3. GS1 EDI: This standard is developed by GS1, a global organization focused on supply chain standards. It is used primarily in the retail and consumer goods industries. GS1 EDI incorporates the GS1 barcoding standards and provides specific message types for processes like product catalog synchronization, purchase orders, and invoices.
  4. HIPAA EDI: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) introduced specific EDI standards for healthcare-related transactions. These standards ensure the secure and standardized exchange of sensitive patient data between healthcare providers, insurers, and other entities.
  5. TRADACOMS: Developed in the United Kingdom, TRADACOMS is an EDI standard commonly used in the retail industry. It includes message types for processes like order management, stock control, and invoicing.

These are just a few examples of the many EDI standards available. Each standard has its own message formats, data elements, and communication protocols. Organizations typically choose the appropriate standard based on their industry, geographic location, and trading partner requirements.

Read: What is a VAN ?


EDI has been evolving with different versions, revisions and sub-revisions. For example, in the X12 standard EDI format, I started my EDI career with the EDI version 3010. Today, we are working with much higher EDI versions such as 4010, 5010, 5020… It is important to note that within each one of the above versions, different revisions might exist.

EDI Transactions and Documents

Read: How does EDI2XML work ?

EDI documents are “number coded”; for example, a Purchase Order sent by a retailer to a vendor using EDI format is coded under the number “850”. The same applies for other documents such as 810 (for invoice), 856 (for Advance shipping notice), 820 (for Payment Advice), and 860 (for Retailer triggered Purchase Order Change). The list goes on and it is not limited to the above. For a more extensive list of EDI documents that EDI2XML supports,  visit our EDI Document Library.

Each EDI document sent to a party has to be responded to by the other party by sending back a Functional Acknowledgment (FA 997). The 997 designates that the “structure” of the EDI file was certainly received, without looking at the “content” of the EDI formatted file. Both business partners understand the “content” of the information and they are able to translate into business terms. This is where EDI2XML comes into play to convert and translate the content and make it ready for integration.

To learn more about EDI, read our new blog What is EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)?” 


What is EDIFACT? | UN / EDIFACT standard overview

Electronic Data Interchange: Key Information You Need to Know

ANSI ASC X12 Standards Overview

What Are the Differences Between ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT