All posts tagged 'Integration'

Jun 2024

Many businesses leverage Dynamics 365 Business Central (D365 BC) for their back-office operations. However, connecting data between Dynamics 365 Business Central and popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, or Amazon can be a challenge. When your data is locked away in different places, it’s hard to be efficient, keep customers happy, and make the most …

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May 2024
Dynamics 365 and Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Dynamics 365 Business Central are both business management solutions offered by Microsoft, designed to help companies manage their operations more efficiently. In this blog series, we continue our exploration of Microsoft Dynamics 365, focusing today on the specifics of Dynamics 365 Business Central. What is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Dynamics …

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Jul 2023
Netsuite integration FAQ

Integration of various business systems and applications plays a crucial role in optimizing operational efficiency and data management in today’s interconnected business landscape. NetSuite, a leading cloud-based ERP solution, offers robust integration capabilities to connect with other platforms and streamline business processes. NetSuite pioneered in cloud-based ERP solutions, providing businesses with a scalable and flexible …

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Jan 2022

Integration with NetSuite To optimize business processes and improve business productivity, companies that use (or plan to use) NetSuite need to integrate it with various business systems and applications in the enterprise. Integrating NetSuite with the existing front office and back office business systems can give a business a competitive edge. In this article, we …

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Aug 2021
Shopify Public app or Private app

During the COVID-19 pandemic situation, companies worldwide have shifted their business mostly to their eCommerce front, to stay the course and become effective, given the worldwide safety and restrictions. It is no secret that this kind of business shift positively affected eCommerce platform providers such as Shopify, Big Commerce, WooCommerce, Magento, and others in the …

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Apr 2021
CRM ERP integration with magic xpi

This post was updated to reflect current trends and information. Integration of CRM and ERP systems: Definition CRM and ERP integration is the synchronization of data from ERP and CRM systems. The purpose of CRM and ERP integration is to provide automatic exchange of information between the enterprise systems. Nowadays, many enterprises use numerous different …

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Mar 2021
Supply chain management and integration

The efficient management of logistics processes involving multiple business partners is one of the main challenges faced by companies in the supply chain vertical. There are many systems involved in the supply chain such as warehouse management systems (WMS), transportation management systems (TMS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and much more. However, the use of multiples …

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Feb 2021
Amazon Seller Data automation

This post was updated to reflect current trends and information. Today, I would like to address a few of the most important aspects of Amazon Seller integration and automation, and why companies selling on Amazon Marketplace have no choice other than adopting the path of “Automation and integration” to their internal software business systems (ERP …

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Jan 2021
Magic xpi Salesforce integration

Having completed lots of integration projects between Salesforce and other platforms such as Amazon, Big Commerce, EDI in addition to many CRM/ ERP systems, I decided to write this article to present how quick and simple it is to use Magic xpi integration platform, to build integration flows that can read or write data into …

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Jan 2021
e-commerce integration with business systems

The purpose of this article is to highlight the major points of e-commerce integration with business software systems such as ERP or CRM and others. Let us start with a high-level definition of important terminologies. What is an e-commerce platform? An e-commerce platform is software platform, that enables companies to launch, host, and manage their …

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