This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.


This article is dedicated to B2B EDI Integration using RosettaNet standard. It describes the RosettaNet business-to-business (B2B) standard, RosettaNet terminology such us PIPs (Partner Interface Processes), RNIF (RosettaNet Implementation Framework), Action Message, Signal Message, and other key RosettaNet features. The information in this topic will be helpful to understand RosettaNet standards and concept before its implementation.

Overview of RosettaNet

RosettaNet is a group of Technology corporations that have created and implemented B2B protocol standards. These standards define the exchange of electronic business documents. RosettaNet is one of B2B protocol standard which allows different businesses to communicate electronically over a network.

The RosettaNet description from Wikipedia is: RosettaNet is a consortium of major Computer and Consumer Electronics, Electronic Components, Semiconductor Manufacturing, Telecommunications and Logistics companies working to create and implement industry-wide, open e-business process standards. These standards form a common e-business language, aligning processes between supply chain partners on a global basis.”

What Is RosettaNet Standards?

RosettaNet it is one of the EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) standards for exchanging business messages using HTTP(S) with MIME headers. As Identifiers RosettaNet uses DUNS numbers. RosettaNet messages contain a Preamble, Delivery Header, Service Header, and Service Content. RosettaNet Standards are free and open to the public as well as private organizations and individuals. You can have access to standards on RosettaNet website.

RosettaNet is used in the IT Supply Chain by (3) main industries:

  • Electronic Components
  • Semiconductor Manufacturing
  • Information Technology

RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF)

The RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF) is an open, common networked-application framework generated to allow trading partners to exchange RosettaNet PIPs.

The RNIF regulate implementation guidelines for developing software applications components that simplify the RosettaNet PIP messages fulfillment between business partners. Recommendations are provided for packaging, security, transport, routing, signals, trading partner agreements.

In simple words, RNIF defines how to build, parse, secure, and send RosettaNet messages.

 RNIF Version 1.1 and RNIF version 2.0 key features comparison

There are two versions of RNIF:

  • RosettaNet Implementation Framework v1.1 (RNIF 1.1)
  • RosettaNet Implementation Framework v2.0 (RNIF 2.0)

The table below describes some RNIF version 1.1 and version 2.0 implementation guidelines.

Guideline RNIF Version 1.1 RNIF Version 2.0
 Transport  Supports the secure HTTP transport   protocol for exchanging messages   between trading partners  Supports multiple transport   protocols  (such as secure HTTP and   SMTP)
 Packaging  Supports the format (RNO)   RosettaNet Object.  Supports the Internet standard that   extends the format of email   Multipurpose Internet Mail   Extensions (MIME) format
 Authorization  Guarantee that the sender of the message is allowed to send a message to the   receiving partner.
 Encryption  Not provides  Guarantees that transmitted messages   can be seen only by the expected   recipient, who is able to decrypt and   extract the information.
 Authentication  It is required a digital signature from the message sender


 Nonrepudiation  Provides total proof that a certain action has occurred. The following       nonrepudiation  types are available:

•  The digital signature of the message. This prevents the sender from   attempting to reject the sending of the message. The recipient of the message   must keep the message for an agreed period of time (usually three to seven   years).

•  Send back a signed acknowledgment. The message recipient has to store   both the receipt and the original message for an agreed-on period of time.

RNIF may be used different protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

What Is RosettaNet Partner Interface Process (PIPs)?

In RosettaNet, a Partner Interface Process (PIP) defines a fulfillment of a business transaction between trading partners. The principal objective of PIPs, is the exchange of business data between trading partners. PIPs determine the messages structure, steps order, role (buyer and seller) activities, values, for each message transmitted between trading partners. Compliance with these specifications allows the trading partners to achieve business goals.

PIPs require the following:

  • A specific business result (for example, the receipt of a purchase order from a trading partner)
  • A role to fulfill at least one action (for example, a buyer role requests a Purchase Order from a seller role and a seller role submits a Purchase Order Acknowledgment to the buyer role).

Each partner has to fulfill his specific requirements of the PIP. If one trading partner does not satisfy his requirements, then the business transaction is voided for all participating PIP trading partners.

What does a PIP document look like?

A PIP in its entirety consists of:

  • Preamble
  • Delivery Header (if using RNIF 2.0)
  • Service Header
  • Service Content (the actual data – the Purchase Order, Advance Ship Notice, etc.) RosettaNet-sample

 PIP Classifications

RosettaNet PIPs are classified into seven clusters. Each cluster is broken down into segments, within each segment, individual PIPs contain one or more activities, which specify actions to be performed.

Here is a list of the PIP clusters:

Cluster 0: RosettaNet Support. Delivers administrative functionality.

  • Segment 0A: Administrative.
  • Segment 0C: Testing.

 Cluster 1: Partner Product and Service Review. Collect information of trading partner and product-information subscriptions.

  • Segment 1A: Partner Review
  • Segment 1B: Product and Service Review

 Cluster 2: Product Information. Distribution and periodic update of product notices and product technical specifications.

  • Segment 2A: Preparation for Distribution
  • Segment 2B: Product Change Notification
  • Segment 2C: Product Design Information

 Cluster 3: Order Management. Supports full order management business area.

  • Segment 3A: Quote and Order Entry
  • Segment 3B: Transportation and Distribution
  • Segment 3C: Returns and Finance

 Cluster 4: Inventory Management. Inventory management, including reporting and allocation of constrained product.

  • Segment 4A: Collaborative Forecasting
  • Segment 4B: Inventory Allocation
  • Segment 4C: Inventory Reporting
  • Segment 4D: Inventory Replenishment
  • Segment 4E: Sales Reporting

Cluster 5: Marketing Information Management. Communication of marketing information.

  • Segment 5C: Design Win Management (EC)
  • Segment 5D: Ship from Stock and Debit (EC)

Cluster 6: Service and Support. Post-sales technical support.

  • Segment 6A: Provide and Administer Warranties, Service Packages, and Contract Services.
  • Segment 6C: Technical Support and Service Management

Cluster 7: Manufacturing. Exchange of design, configuration, process, quality and other manufacturing floor information.

  • Segment 7B: Manage Manufacturing WO & WIP.
  • Segment 7C: Distributed Manufacturing Information.

Type of RosettaNet Messages

Messages related to PIP business document exchange can be divided into two categories: Business Action messages and Business Signal messages. The Business Action message is the basic business message such as a Purchase Order or Request for Quote, that is exchanged within a RosettaNet trading process. The Business Signal message is a positive or negative Acknowledgment message sent in response to a business Action Message. RosettaNet has five types of business Signal Messages:

Receipt Acknowledgment

A Receipt Acknowledgment is a positive signal acknowledging receipt of a Business Action message. It is sent when structurally and syntactically valid RosettaNet action.

Receipt Acknowledgment Exception (supported only in the RNIF 1.1.)

A Receipt Acknowledgment Exception is a negative signal indicating a problem (structurally or syntactically invalid RosettaNet action).

Acceptance Acknowledgment (supported only in the RNIF 1.1.)

An Acceptance Acknowledgement is a positive signal acknowledging. This message sent when a partner receiving accepts the RosettaNet Action Message for processing. The signal does not indicate a success or failure of message processing.

Acceptance Acknowledgment Exception (supported only in the RNIF 1.1.)

An Acceptance Acknowledgement Exception is a signal indicated a negative acknowledgment of acceptance A message is sent when the partner receiving the RosettaNet action message cannot accept the message for processing in the backend system.

General Exception

A General Exception is a negative signal. It’s signified that actions performed by processes outside of RosettaNet caused an error.

Note: Business Action messages are acknowledged. Business Signal messages are never acknowledged. The following figure shows a message flow: 

 Structure of a RosettaNet Business Messages

A business message exchanged between trading partners via RosettaNet 1.1 protocol is called RosettaNet Object (RNO).

The business message exchanged via the RosettaNet 2.0 protocol, is called RosettaNet Business Message (RBM).

RNIF 1.1 and RNIF 2.0. have different basic message structure.

RosettaNet Object (RNO) for RNIF 1.1

The RNIF 1.1 message has the following structure:

RNO-structure Rosettanet

• Version – Specifies the RNIF version (1.1), in binary format.

• Content Length – Length of the multi-part MIME message, in binary format.

• Headers – Comprises the next headers:

  • Preamble Header
  • Service Header

• Content (Payload) – Contains the following components:

  • Service Content—contains either an action or a signal message.
  • Attachments—Optional. Can contain zero or more attachments, which comprise of XML and non-XML (binary) data. It can be attachments such as PDF files, Word documents, GIF images, and other. The information for each attachment is included in the Service Header of the message.

• Digital Signature (Optional)

  • Length of the signature in binary format.
  • Signature (PKCS7) in binary format.

RosettaNet Business Message (RBM) for RNIF 2.0

The RosettaNet Implementation Framework 2.0 presented the notable differences in the components of a RosettaNet Business Message (RBM):

• In the version RNIF 2.0 the Delivery Header was added.

• In RNIF 2.0 the Service Header and Content can be encrypted.

The figure below shows the components and structure of an RBM: RosettaNet RBM-structure

• Headers. Includes the following headers:

  • Preamble Header
  • Delivery Header
  • Service Header

All headers are essential and there is only one header of each type, per message. The general purpose of these headers is that the recipient can:

  • Recognize the message as a RosettaNet Business Message
  • Identify the context of the message
  • Identify the sender for authentication and authorization.

• Payload. Includes the following components:

  • Service Content—Contains either an action or a signal message.
  • Attachments—Optional. Can contain zero or more attachments, which comprise of XML and non-XML (binary) data. It can be attachments such as PDF files, Word documents, GIF images, and other. The information for each attachment is included in the Service Header of the message.

EDI ANSI X12 and RosettaNet PIPs Cross reference

In the process of computer-to-computer exchange of business documents, such as purchase orders, invoices etc. with a Trading partner, exchanging documents occurs in a standard electronic format. It can be standards such as ANSI X12, EDIFACT, or RosettaNet in the high-tech industry. In each standard, there are different requirements for electronic documents and they can be called differently. On the example below, you can see the comparison of two standards ANSI X12 and RosettaNet.

  • ANSI X12 EDI 810 Invoice – RosettaNet PIP 3C3 Notify of Invoice
  • ANSI X12 EDI 846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice – RosettaNet PIP 4C1 Distribute Inventory Report
  • ANSI X12 EDI 850 Purchase Order message – RosettaNet PIP 3A4 Request Purchase Order
  • ANSI X12 EDI 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment – RosettaNet PIP 3A20 Notify of Purchase Order Confirmation
  • ANSI X12 EDI 856 ASN (Advance Ship Notice) – RosettaNet PIP 3B2 Notify of Advance Shipment
  • ANSI X12 EDI 860 Buyer triggered P/O change – RosettaNet PIP3A8 Request Purchase Order Change

Trading Partner Integration

Our company focuses on the integration of Trading partners, which is also known as business-to-business integration (or B2B Integration). For more than 18 years we have been automating business processes and helping our clients, manage business relationships with their trading partners. We are EDI Integration experts and we have a strong expertise around RosettaNet. So, if you need help with RosettaNet or any EDI Integration contact us today.

Free EDI Consultation


This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.


One major advantage of the digital transformation and the massive adoption of the cloud, is the initiation of a serious discussion between business owners and executives from one side and their IT service providers from another side, for an outsourced IT services based on the best technology available today, at a reasonable price.

IT-outsourcing in the Digital Transformation era

Companies are more and more outsourcing their IT services to service providers. This process was motivated by customers’ desire to optimize their IT costs. There are different outsourcing models: hardware, software, data warehousing and storage, …

EDI2XML as a serviceFor many years we have seen the growing interest of the market towards a model called Software as a Service (SaaS). Although the term SaaS means only “software”, in fact, it is the most developed (to date) model of IT outsourcing, combining all the components listed above

What is Software as a Service?

Software as a service (SaaS) is one of the forms of cloud computing, a service model in which subscribers are provided with ready-made application software fully serviced by the provider. The vendor in this model manages the application, giving customers access to functions from client devices, usually through a mobile application or web browser.

The advantage of the SaaS model

The main advantage of the SaaS model for the consumer is the absence of costs associated with the installation, updating, and maintenance of the equipment and software that is being used by the company.

In the SaaS model:

  • The application is adapted for remote use
  • One application is used by several clients (the application is communal)
  • Payment is charged either in the form of a monthly subscription fee or on the basis of the volume of transactions
  • Technical support of the application is included in the payment
  • Updating and upgrading the application is quick and transparent for customers.

As with all forms of cloud computing, customers do not pay for ownership of the software, but for renting it (i.e. using it through a mobile application or Web interface).

Thus, as opposed to the classic software licensing scheme, the customer has relatively small recurring costs and does not need to invest heavily in the acquisition of the application program and the necessary Software and hardware for its deployment, and then maintain its performance, for the years to come.

EDI translation software in the Digital Transformation

Many entrepreneurs realize that using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a necessary condition to do successful business. Even in some cases, there is no choice, it is mandatory to be EDI compliant in order to trade with big channels like Walmart, Costco, Canadian Tire or Target. Businesses are looking for the most profitable and cost effective EDI solution to implement.

Read: EDI X12, EDIFACT, CSV, XML – Why is a conversion necessary?


EDI benefits are obvious in business. One of the major advantages of EDI, is that it can quickly improve and develop an enterprise bottom line.

If the company is EDI compliant, it will be able to expand its turnover without a significant influx of new employees. Certainly, another advantage of EDI is that it reduces human errors, increases efficiency and the quality of information.

Read: EDI converter: Benefits of converting between EDI and XML


What are the advantages of using EDI as a Service?

EDI2XML as a Service is an ideal solution for companies of all sizes and from various industries who seek to implement an edi solution to comply with their trading partners and want to simplify the entire integration of their EDI in their Systems and processes.

With EDI2XML as a service, edi is converted to xml and from there, it can be transformed to any format that our client is capable of working with and integrate into his own CRM/ERP.

There is no need for our clients to install any software or hardware. We manage the entire workflow of integration, from setting up new partner, configuring and testing EDI documents and certification with the trading partner. We can even go farther by integrating directly into our clients’ ERP or CRNM systems using certified connectors from the Manufacturer (i.e. SAP, JDE, Microsoft AX…). As a result, our clients have a quick and painless fully integrated solution, and continuous streamlined EDI and data flow between all partners.

Choose to outsource your digital transformation projects

Whatever EDI converter you are looking for: edifact to xml, convert edi to xml online, convert x12 to xml online, etc. We have the best EDI Solution for your business. So, do you want to exchange electronic documents with customers, suppliers, and business partners, with a cost effective and optimal way? Then you have to check EDI2XML as a Services live.

Contact us today for more information and free EDI Consultation.

Free EDI consultation

This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.

Are you looking to streamline your supply chain and improve shipping efficiency? Look no further than EDI 856, the ultimate electronic document for advanced shipping notifications (ASN). In this comprehensive article, we will walk you through everything you need to know about EDI 856 and how it can optimize your logistics operations.

What is EDI 856 (ASN)?

An Advanced Ship Notice (ASN) is an X12 electronic document EDI (electronic data interchange).

In different EDI standards, this electronic document can have different names, for example, in ANSI standard this electronic document is called ASN or “Advanced Ship Notice” or 856 transaction. In EDIFACT the same document is DESADV “Dispatch Advice”. Nevertheless, no matter how this document is called: Dispatch Advice, 856 Ship Notice, Advanced Ship Notice, Advance Shipping Notice, 856 transaction set, 856 Ship Notice/Manifest, ASN, ASN message, EDI 856, ANSI x12 856,  it has the same mission and has the same business meaning.

The EDI 856 document is essential for streamlining the supply chain process because it provides real-time visibility and transparency throughout the entire logistics journey. An 856 Ship Notice message is intended to simplify and speed up the process of receiving goods, detailed information about the cargo, transfer of information about the shipment, and tracking the delivery. This information is used for receiving and inventory control purposes.

By sharing this information electronically, suppliers and retailers can plan and track shipments more efficiently, reducing the risk of delays, errors, and unnecessary costs.

856 Ship Notice/Manifest does not physically accompany a shipment but is used to inform the recipient in advance, about the contents of the shipment.

Who Uses The Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN)?

The EDI 856 Advanced Shipping Notice is widely used in the supply chain by retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers, third-party logistics providers (3PLs), and even in Drop-ship fulfillment and e-commerce. It is a key document for tracking and managing shipments, providing detailed information about the contents and expected delivery of goods.

EDI 856 is especially important in traditional retail replenishment and drop-ship fulfillment scenarios, where it helps streamline inventory management and order processing. 

By delivering advance shipment details, the ASN helps businesses optimize their operations, improve warehouse management, and reduce delays in receiving goods.



For more information about Drop-Ship, you can read our blog: 4 Challenges of EDI and Drop-Ship in eCommerce

Basically, the sender of Advanced Ship Notice is the warehouse, raw materials supplier, and carriers who are responsible for specifying and communicating the contents of a shipment.

The 856 Ship Notice/Manifest may be the most complicated document to implement because different trading partners can customize their requirements for EDI 856. In addition, ASN has a multitudes level of information and a great volume of data.

EDI 856 Hierarchical Levels of Information in the Ship Notice/Manifest

A key feature of the Ship Notice/Manifest is the hierarchical level of data. The supplier can describe the details of a shipment due to a multitude of levels of data. Each level in the Ship Notice/Manifest describes the related details about a physical shipment. Usually, in the retail industry there are six defined levels in an EDI 856 (ASN):

  • Shipment – Information about shipment moving from a supplier (origin place) to a receiving location (Client), such as a bill of lading number, ship to, ship from, etc. There is only one shipment level in each transaction set.
  • Unit load – Information about a physical shipping item marked with a Serial Shipping Container Code and, consists of transport packages marked for multiple final destinations.
  • Order – Information related to the client’s original Purchase Order (EDI 850) such as purchase order number, buying place, division number, etc.
  • Tare – Information about the pallets. This level may be skipped if there are no identifiable pallets.
  • Pack – Information about the shipping package (cartons, racks, bags, etc.,) such as carton serial number. If there are no identifiable packs, this level may be skipped.
  • Item – Information about the shipped goods, such as SKU identification, quantity shipped, etc.

Book a FREE one-on-one EDI consultation session with our in-house experts

EDI 856: Understanding the Components of a Document

An EDI 856 document, also known as the Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN), is a detailed electronic record that conveys essential information about a shipment. Key components typically include:

  • Header Information: This section provides general shipment details, including the purchase order number, ship-to address, and expected delivery date. It sets the context for the entire shipment.
  • Line Item Details: This section includes specific information about each item being shipped, such as the product code, description, quantity, and unit of measure. It helps recipients identify and verify the contents of the shipment.
  • Packaging Information: Here, you’ll find details about the shipment’s packaging, including the number of pallets, cases, or individual units. This information is crucial for efficient handling and storage.
  • Carrier and Tracking Information: This part provides details about the carrier responsible for the shipment, including tracking numbers and shipping labels. It allows for tracking and monitoring the shipment’s progress.
  • Additional Details: Depending on industry requirements or business needs, the EDI 856 document may include additional information such as special handling instructions, lot numbers, or expiration dates. This ensures that all relevant details are communicated.

Understanding these components is crucial for businesses to ensure accurate and efficient data exchange with supply chain partners. Familiarity with the various fields helps streamline shipping processes, reduce errors, and enhance overall supply chain visibility.

Ship Notice/Manifest Business Flow

Below we give you a simple example of Business processes that cause the Ship Notice/Manifest.

The order process begins with an EDI 850 Purchase Order from the client. To confirm the receipt of a purchase order, the supplier generates a Purchase Order Acknowledgement or X12 855 transaction set. Then, the supplier has to start the order processing procedure.

When the order is ready for delivery, the supplier collects all pertinent data relative to the shipment. Using this information, the supplier creates a Ship Notice/Manifest. The supplier must generate the Ship Notice, and transmit it to the client, immediately upon closing the truck. The client needs to receive and integrate the data of ASN 856 into his business systems prior to the physical arrival of the merchandise.

EDI- 850 example

Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) Example

These two examples of Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) 856 below show the XML file and the same file that was converted to EDI.

These two examples below describe how an Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) 856 transaction set looks like in xml format, and then displays the same information in X12 format after it has been converted to EDI by our EDI2XML translation and communication service.

EDI 856 ASN (xml) Example:

EDI 856 example

EDI 856 X12 Example File:

EDI-656- example-levels

The shipment level in the 856 EDI document refers to the level of detail provided about the shipment. This can include information such as the number of cartons or pallets in the shipment, the item numbers and quantities of the products being shipped, and other details about the shipment. The shipment level in the 856 EDI document may also include information about the carrier and transportation details associated with the shipment.

The order level in the 856 EDI document refers to the level of detail provided about the order that the shipment is fulfilling. This can include information such as the purchase order number, the customer’s order number, the date the order was placed, and other details about the order. The order level in the 856 EDI document may also include information about the items being shipped, including item numbers, quantities, and unit of measure. It also may include information about the shipping and delivery details, such as the requested delivery date, shipping address and shipping instructions.

The pack level in the 856 EDI document refers to the level of detail provided about the packaging of the items within the shipment. This can include information such as the number of items within each package, the type of packaging used, and the weight and dimensions of each package. The pack level in the 856 EDI document may also include information about the labeling of each package and any special instructions related to the packaging of the items. This level of information is important for the logistics and warehouse operations of the recipient of the shipment.

The item level in the 856 EDI document refers to the level of detail provided about the individual items within the shipment. This can include information such as the item number, the item description, the quantity being shipped, and the unit of measure. The item level in the 856 EDI document may also include information such as the item’s weight, dimensions, and packaging information. This level of information is critical for the logistics and warehouse operations of the recipient of the shipment. It also allows the recipient to match the received items with the purchase order and track inventory levels. This level of detail is important for the recipient to be able to process and receive the shipment accurately and efficiently.

What Are the Benefits of Implementing the Ship Notice/Manifest for the Supply Chain?

Implementing EDI 856 in your supply chain can unlock a wide range of benefits that can significantly improve your business operations and overall competitiveness. Some of the key advantages of adopting EDI 856 include:

  • Improved Inventory Management: With the detailed information provided in an EDI 856 document, businesses can better plan and manage their inventory levels, reducing the risk of stockouts or excess inventory.
  • Enhanced Shipping Efficiency: By automating the shipping process and eliminating manual data entry, EDI 856 can help businesses streamline their logistics operations, leading to faster delivery times and reduced shipping costs. Reduce off-loading time at receiving dock. Acceleration of goods acceptance, due to previously received information on the composition and structure (as packed) of the supply.
  • Increased Accuracy and Reliability: EDI 856 documents are transmitted electronically, which minimizes the risk of errors and inaccuracies that can occur with manual processes. This improved data accuracy helps to build trust and strengthen relationships with supply chain partners.
  • Better Visibility and Collaboration: The real-time information provided by EDI 856 documents allows businesses to track shipments more effectively and collaborate more closely with their suppliers and customers, enhancing overall supply chain visibility. The EDI 856 (ASN) connects with bar code labels on transported pallets, boxes, or cartons, so there is the possibility of using the RFID scanner and transport package sequence number (SSCC) when accepting goods.
  • Cost Savings: By automating the shipping process and reducing the need for manual intervention, EDI 856 can help businesses save on labor costs, paper expenses, and other administrative overhead associated with traditional shipping methods.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: With faster delivery times, better inventory management, and more reliable shipping information, businesses can improve their customer service and satisfaction levels, ultimately leading to increased loyalty and repeat business.

Implementing EDI 856 in your supply chain can be a transformative step, enabling your business to streamline operations, enhance collaboration, and gain a competitive edge in the market. By embracing this powerful EDI document, you can unlock new opportunities for growth and success in your supply chain management efforts.

Advantages of Implementation Advanced Ship Notice

The implementation of EDI 856, or the Advanced Shipping Notice, can significantly improve visibility and collaboration throughout the supply chain. By providing detailed, real-time information about shipments, this powerful EDI document enables better coordination and cooperation among all supply chain stakeholders.

  • Eliminates the need for paper-based communications
  • Optimization of the process of goods acceptance.
  • No data entry errors.
  • Reduce administrative costs by increasing the accuracy of forecasting orders.

Integrating EDI 856 with Other EDI Documents for Seamless Operations

To maximize the benefits of EDI 856 in your supply chain, it’s essential to integrate this Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) with other key EDI documents. By enabling a seamless flow of data, businesses can increase operational efficiency, minimize manual intervention, and make more informed decisions.

EDI 810 (Invoice)

Integrating the EDI 856 with the EDI 810 Invoice allows for a more streamlined invoicing process. By automatically matching the shipment details in the EDI 856 with the corresponding invoice, companies can reduce discrepancies, accelerate payment processing, and improve financial management. This integration ensures that the details of what was shipped align with what is being billed.

EDI 940 (Warehouse Shipping Order)

Linking the EDI 856 with the EDI 940 Warehouse Shipping Order improves warehouse operations and inventory control. The EDI 856 provides the warehouse with specific details about the contents, quantities, and packaging of the shipment. This enables warehouses to better plan for receiving, allocate space, and expedite the fulfillment process.

EDI 945 (Warehouse Shipping Advice)

Integrating the EDI 856 with the EDI 945 Warehouse Shipping Advice improves coordination between suppliers, warehouses, and customers. The EDI 945 confirms the shipment details sent in the EDI 856, helping the receiving party prepare for incoming goods, facilitating smoother receiving processes, and reducing misunderstandings or delays.

EDI 997 (Functional Acknowledgment)

By linking EDI 856 with the EDI 997 Functional Acknowledgment, businesses can track and confirm the successful transmission of their ASNs. The EDI 997 serves as a receipt confirmation, ensuring that the EDI 856 has been successfully received by trading partners. This validation helps businesses monitor and improve the reliability of their EDI processes.

EDI 753 (Request for Routing Instructions)

Although EDI 753 (Request for Routing Instructions) is less commonly mentioned in ASN integration, it can be valuable in ensuring accurate shipping details. This document is used to request specific routing instructions from the buyer or consignee, often in transportation and logistics planning. When integrated with EDI 856, it can help ensure that the shipment follows the correct delivery path, aligning transportation and delivery instructions.

By integrating EDI 856 with these key EDI documents, businesses can create a more cohesive and efficient supply chain. This integration reduces errors, increases visibility into shipments, and strengthens collaboration with trading partners. A holistic approach to EDI integration is vital for staying competitive in today’s dynamic business environment.

Choosing the right EDI provider for your organization’s needs

Selecting the right EDI provider is a crucial step in successfully implementing and leveraging EDI 856 in your supply chain. The right partner can make all the difference in ensuring a smooth transition, reliable data exchange, and ongoing support for your organization’s evolving needs.
When choosing an EDI provider, consider the following key factors:

1. Expertise and Experience:
Look for an EDI provider with a proven track record of successfully implementing and supporting EDI 856 and other supply chain-related EDI documents. Their industry knowledge and understanding of best practices can be invaluable in navigating the complexities of EDI integration.
2. Scalability and Flexibility:
As your business grows and your supply chain needs evolve, your EDI provider should be able to scale their services and adapt to your changing requirements. Ensure that the provider can accommodate increased transaction volumes, new trading partner integrations, and any industry-specific compliance needs.
3. Integration Capabilities:
Assess the provider’s ability to seamlessly integrate EDI 856 with your existing enterprise systems, such as your ERP, warehouse management, or logistics software. A smooth integration process can significantly streamline your supply chain operations and reduce the risk of manual errors.
4. Customer Support and Responsiveness:
Reliable and responsive customer support is essential when implementing and maintaining an EDI solution. Look for a provider that offers comprehensive training, ongoing technical assistance.

How to Get Started with Ship Notice/Manifest Transaction Set (856)?

Simplify your business processes with the implementation of EDI. We offer up-to-date integrated solutions at an affordable price to enterprises of all sizes. Whether you are a supplier or retailer contact us for cost-effective EDI Implementation.

Get A Free EDI Consultation

This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.

Oracle’s quality and reputation in the industry has made Oracle one of the most popular software vendor on the market. According to Statista, it is one of the largest companies in the world in terms of market value and one of the world’s leading providers of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.

What is Oracle JD Edwards?

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is an integrated applications suite of comprehensive enterprise resource planning software (ERP) that that is developed and sold by Oracle. EnterpriseOne is the first ERP solution to run all applications on Apple iPad. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne also delivers mobile applications.

JD Edwards World is a unique platform solution that allows better collaboration both within and outside your business network. The Oracle JD Edwards ERP system is a popular solution for managing mid-size and large enterprises.

To learn more about the JDE Edwards world and EDI integration, you can read this article “What you need to know about EDI integration in JD Edwards World

Integration is the engine behind “Digital Transformation”

During the past few years, due to the important role of integration in information technology, there has been a modernization of information technology, especially in Big Data and Analytics, Cloud Computing, and mobile IT.

Businesses using Oracle JD Edwards are not exceptions. Companies often need to integrate other applications and systems such as EDI System, CRM, SCM, PLM, and eCommerce.

EDI2XML offers a complete integrated solution on both JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and JD Edwards World, using certified connectors from Oracle themselves. Thanks to the Magic xpi Integration Platform and the partnership of Magic Software with Oracle for the connectors certification!

When Integration with JDE is essential?

There are several scenarios when a company would consider automation and integration, and it is beneficial:

a) Processes improvement

Companies are in a constant search for better ways to do business; integrating the company’s systems and process will benefit the company with the following:

  • Improvement of employees’ efficiency and their performance
  •  Reduction in human errors
  • Increase in the speed of data collection
  • Improvement of the quality of information within a company’s system
  • Obviously, at the end of the day, all of the above will have a positive impact on the company’s bottom line.

b) External trends

The development and the business need to accommodate “External trends” is another driving factor for integration:

  • Cloud-based systems and technology
  • Mobile applications
  • IoT (Internet of Things) projects

c) Answering to Clients’ or suppliers’ requirements and expectations

Often companies dealing with several important clients, cannot reject a request from a client to exchange information and integrate data electronically.

d) Companies merger, acquisition, and growth

It has been very common in today’s business reality, to see lots of mergers and acquisitions of companies. This kind of business operation will create an urgent need to consolidate data and perhaps centralize data from different sources.

The same need can arise due to the company’s growth and expansion, where data needs to be centralized, activities need to be orchestrated at the system level.

e) Heterogeneous systems

Another typical scenario where integration becomes crucial for a company is when it is overgrown with various systems and applications that are not interconnected. (i.e. CRM, ERP, e-Comm, PLM, WMS, etc.)

Magic xpi Integration Platform operates as middleware to allow data to be shared seamlessly between all systems of a company such as eCommerce, CRM, ERP, including backend financial and manufacturing systems in order to help companies in their digital transformation journey.

Your Digital Transformation Partner

Magic xpi Integration Platform is a code-free, enterprise-grade integration, business process automation, and data synchronization solutions.

Magic xpi for JDE extends the capabilities and usage of Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and JD Edwards World ERP systems, integrating them with your company’s whole range of business processes.

Integration with Oracle JD Edwards

Magic xpi unites the disparate components of your business in different systems and applications, allowing you to better manage financial flows, employees, products, and information in your company.

Magic xpi has a code-free visual design studio, with more than 50 adapters, wizards, services, and methods, that enable to create and orchestrate business processes and integrate natively with JD Edwards, using its Oracle certified connectors.

Magic xpi features

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and JD Edwards World connectors of Magic xpi, let you extend the value of your ERP by connecting data and business processes across CRM and other Business Systems.

Below are some of the main features of Magic xpi:

  • Out-of-the-box certified Oracle JDE adaptor
  • A wide library of pre-built components
  • Drag-and-drop functionality for easy configuration
  • Visual Data Mapper transforms information, regardless of the format
  • Step-by-step wizards simplify complex integration
  • Intuitive graphical user interface
  • Online monitoring capabilities

 Oracle JD Edwards Connector Capabilities

  • Discover all the “native” Oracle business objects automatically
  • Handles exceptions and errors, reliably and seamlessly
  • Integrates financial data in real-time, near real-time, and at optimal intervals
  • Integrates non-JDE applications with your General Ledger
  • Integrates with new and existing e-commerce websites
  • Integrates order tracking and logistics management over the Web
  • Integrates CRM and sales force management
  • Handles service calls and tracks orders over the Web
  • Runs natively on IBM I systems
  • Consolidates your charts of accounts with other systems and companies

Participating in Digital Transformation

If you don’t have the expertise in-house to lead a JD Edwards integration, then talk to us. We have been providing integration and expert consulting for Oracle including JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and JD Edwards World.

 We understand complex integration challenges – this is what we built our business on!

Free consultation ecommerce JDE integration


The Definitive Checklist For Oracle JDE and EDI Integration Projects

What you need to know about EDI integration in JD Edwards World

This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.

We compiled a shortlist of business technology terms that are useful to keep on hand when looking for software solutions for your business or when speaking with an IT Service Provider. Because, sometimes a short and simple definition is all you need, and that’s exactly what we have here.


Software EDI

• ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning; a fully integrated business process management software suite. It allows users to view, manage and track core business processes and resources using one single database.

• CRM: Customer Relationship Management is a software system that allows your business to manage contacts, collaborate effectively, increase productivity & grow your business. It is based on the preservation and analysis of information to improve the marketing, service and business relations with your customers.

• BI: Business Intelligence; a performance optimization software that aims to produce detailed analyses with the help of customized drillable dashboards. BI provides immediate access to relevant and timely business information (through visualizations & reports)

• WMS: Warehouse Management System; a software application to manage warehouse operations (track inventory, shipping, receiving, stock locations, picking, etc.)

• eCommerce: Website used to make commercial transactions electronically over the Internet; in other words, an online store to sell products and services.

• eCommerce integration: is the synchronization of a company’s eCommerce website with its back-end accounting or ERP system.

• API: An application programming interface (API) is a set of subroutine definitions, protocols, and tools for building application software. In general terms, it is a set of clearly defined methods of communication between various software components.

• Implementation: The process of installing and configuring software; this phase includes many steps such as business process re-assessment, system testing, user-training and support.

• Integrated Software: A collection of computer programs (modules like accounting, purchases, sales, inventory management, sales forecasting, EDI & more) which share one database.

• IT Consulting: Consulting services provided by an outside organization/consultant to advise business executives or IT managers on appropriate strategies and solutions to bring efficiency into the company through technologies.

• Digital transformation (DT): Digital Transformation (DT) is the transformation of business by remodeling the business strategy or digital strategy, models, operations, products, marketing approach, objectives etc., by adopting digital technologies. This accelerate sales and growth of the business from end to end.

• Office automation: Office automation refers to the varied computer machinery and software used to digitally create, collect, store, manipulate, and relay office information needed for accomplishing basic tasks. Raw data storage, electronic transfer, and the management of electronic business information comprise the basic activities of an office automation system. Office automation helps in optimizing or automating existing office procedures.

• Artificial Intelligence (AI) Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Some of the activities computers with artificial intelligence are designed for include speech recognition, learning, planning, and problem solving.

• Internet of Things (IoT) The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances and other items connected to the internet, collecting and sharing data. An example of an Internet of Things device a lightbulb that can be switched on using a smartphone app is an IoT device.

• Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) The Industrial Internet of Things is a unified system of computer networks and production equipment with built-in sensors and software for collecting and exchanging data. This system has remote monitoring and control in automatic mode, without human intervention. Industrial Internet of Things allows creating industries that are more economical, flexible and efficient than existing ones.

“EDI” Terms

• EDI: Electronic Data Interchange; the secure process of electronically exchanging business documents, like Purchase Orders, Invoices, ASNs, (in a pre-defined format) between Trading Partners

• EDI Standard: EDI documents are sent using standard-specific formats, describing what each piece of information is; these standards avoid trading partners sending documents back and forth using company-specific formats. Common standards include: ANSI ASC X12 (North American Standard), EDIFACT (International standard)

• EDI Translation System: Software application used to translate the EDI format (into a format readable by humans and systems) so the data can be read and used by business people and processed by a company’s internal management system.

• Communication Protocol: Communication method used to transmit data to and from Trading Partners; FTP, sFTP, AS2, VAN, Https

• Point-to-Point: Direct Connectivity; rather than having documents pass through a VAN, Trading Partners can exchange documents directly through secured communication protocols like FTP, sFTP, AS2, Https, etc.

• VAN: Value Added Network; a private network provider to facilitate electronic data interchange for Trading Partners; considered the “EDI post office” for incoming & outgoing documents.

• AS2: Applicability Statement 2; A point-to-point connectivity method that sends messages across the internet using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol, with increased verification and security.

• Trading Partner: Participant in an ongoing business relationship

• XML Extensible Markup Language; a markup language used to describe data. This is typically the go-to in EDI translation, since it is a format that is human and system-readable

• Data Mapping: The method by which information in one format is restructured into a different format.

Many vendors these days want their products to be sold at Big-box store  such as Target, Walmart, Home Depot or Costco. If you want your product on their shelf, you should be complying with their EDI requirements. EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is the standard electronic messaging between two business partners.

B2B Integration Matters to Business Success


Nowadays, big box retailers work exclusively with companies that are capable of complying with their EDI requirements, and there is a good reason for it.

Large stores move a huge amount of goods, so all that they track in their inventory systems, must comply with a variety of requirements. This means that your inventory data must be properly formatted and transmitted on time and in accordance with their requirements.

Before starting EDI Integration, you must to identify the trading partners you want to do business with. The reason for this is that each trading partner you deal with, has his own unique requirements. One of the most popular EDI document in demand these days for big-box retailers is the EDI 846 Inventory Inquiry / Advice.

What is the EDI 846 and how is used?

Based on the ASC (Accredited Standards Committee) X12 format, the transaction set Inventory Inquiry/Advice (EDI 846) could include vendor number, products, and quantity in stock. 846 documents can be used by manufacturer or supplier in the following ways:

  • for a vendor of goods and services to provide inventory information to a prospective purchaser, with no obligation to the purchaser to acquire these goods or services;
  • for a seller’s representatives of goods and services to supply inventory information to that seller;
  • for one location to supply another location with inventory information;
  • for an inquiry as to the availability of inventory with no obligation on the seller of goods and services to reserve that inventory.

 Benefits of EDI 846

There are benefits of 846 Inventory Advice to both business partners as for the supplier and for the purchaser. Some of the benefits:

  • Enable the supplier to advise when product is out of stock or no longer being manufactured
  • Allows better management of manufacturing and logistics
  • Communicating to the purchaser when the item will be available again if out of stock
  • The purchaser is able to better plan warehouse and store ordering
  • Supports the ability to order non-stock items or make some special orders

How to send/receive an EDI 846?

For the most part, the transmission of EDI is carried out via the Internet or Value-Added network (VAN). To make EDI more accessible, today most of the EDI data is carried out via the Internet using AS2 or a secure FTP. This eliminates the need for expensive VANs. The file is protected by encryption to ensure data security.

 Need to know more about EDI? View our SlideShare Presentation on EDI in the Business World

Connect to large retailers with EDI2XML

Don’t miss your opportunities to trade with big chains, because of their requirements of EDI. Using our service, even small companies can get the opportunity to trade with large stores and send 846 documents.

Delegate EDI to a third party and focus on running your business. We are well-qualified EDI-as-a-Service provider and we produce results rapidly while avoiding common errors that can endanger business operations and trading partner relationships.

If you need EDI Integration, let us show you what our popular translation and communication service EDI2XML as a Service can do for your business. Don’t give up big retailers, Contact us today!


This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.

Company Overview of Burlington Coat Factory

Burlington Coat Factory is an American national off-price department store retailer and a division of Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corporation. The company operated 592 stores located in 45 states and Puerto Rico, inclusive of an internet store and has approximately 40 000 employees.

As per the company’s website, the first store was opened in Burlington, New Jersey in 1972, selling principally coats and outerwear.  Since then company diversified product categories by offering an extensive selection fashion-focused, labeled merchandise acquired directly from nationally recognized manufacturers and other suppliers.

Burlington Coat Factory EDI Standards

For all communications with their suppliers, Burlington Coat Factory use Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) including purchase orders, Advance Ship Notices (ASN), Invoices etc. The company is on EDI X12 v4010 standard.

Burlington Coat Factory EDI Specification

850 Purchase Order

Burlington Coat Factory sends 850 Purchase Orders via EDI, to inform their seller of a product request. A Purchase order 850 may be used to provide distribution requirements for receiving location(s), such as cross-dock, drop-ship, or direct to consumer as would be the case for the Burlington online store.

For each 850 Purchase Order, they indicate a purchase order number, a P/O date, the location of the ship to, provide a delivery time and product pricing.

856 Ship Notice/Manifest

Burlington Stores requires their seller to send an 856 Ship Notice/Manifest via EDI, to be advised of shipment information. The 856 transactions, includes order information, description of goods, types of packaging used, carrier information and more.

For a single purchase order, there can be or more shipments which would be followed by one or more 856 ASN Advance Ship Notice and possibly one or more 810 Invoices.

810 Invoice

The suppliers of Burlington Coat Factory have to comply with X12 810 Invoice to bill Burlington for products and services shipped to their stores.

Using an EDI 810 Invoice, permits Burlington to register payment-request information and update automatically their appropriate systems. The information included in the Invoice 810 provides automated cross-referencing of a purchase order and receiving information. This process is executed without manual intervention, thus eliminating further data entry.

824 Application Advice

Burlington Stores send 824 Application Advice via EDI, to notify the acceptance, rejection or acceptance with change of a trading partner’s transaction. The 824 transaction set contains information such as quantity and monetary amounts, dates, reference numbers, it also provides trading partner information, technical error descriptions in free-form text format.

852 Product Activity

The EDI message 852 Product Activity sent by Burlington to transmit product sales by location to the supplier. These messages inform a supplier about the items sold and items on hand at a store and its level. Burlington sends the EDI 852 message on a scheduled basis (e.g., weekly on Mondays) for input to a vendor’s sales and inventory management system.

997 Functional Acknowledgment

997 Functional Acknowledgment is required by Burlington, when sending or receiving EDI transactions. 997s, are an indication that a trading partner has successfully received a well-formed EDI message. The message Functional Acknowledgments 997 generated automatically for transmission back to the sending party.

Becoming EDI compliant with Burlington Coat Factory

EDI2XML offers full EDI integration with Burlington Coat Factory. From A to Z, a customer’s EDI requirements are handled by our team of EDI experts. We take care of EDI mapping, Trading Partner configuration, Standards maintenance, XML/CSV/TXT translation etc.

For more information Download our EDI2XML Translation Service Pricing Package here 

EDI2XML pricing packages

This post was updated  to reflect current trends and information.


Overview of EDI

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) – standardized message formats for the transfer of commercial information between business partners. The two most common documents exchanged using EDI are purchase orders (EDI 850) and invoices (EDI 810). To transfer the EDI data, companies are often using the Internet or VANs (Value Added Networks). EDIFACT is the most popular EDI standard in Europe and ANSI X12 is in active use in North America. In the global  supply chain,  the GS1 EDI  set of standards are predominant. In brief, EDI allows companies to communicate business and commercial information quickly and efficiently.

Read: What is EDI? (A technical introduction to EDI)

Understanding XML

 XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language that allows to standardize the data, in the form of text easily understood by users and computers. In other words, XML is a simple and flexible text format designed to meet the needs of electronic publishing.

XML has two main tasks:

  1. Provide a description of the data structure.
  2. Provide a common syntax for all other specifications.

Thus, XML does not specify how to display a document, it only describes its structure and content.

XML created in 1996 by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium); it is a subclass of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). XML was conceived to be a flexible format, at the same time as a formal metalanguage for use on the Internet. One of XML’s primary applications was in handling B2B and B2C data interchange.

From the beginning of XML implementation, its advantages over EDI were obvious. Simple and self-descriptive, structured, support of multi-lingual and Unicode (very important for international EDI transaction).

What is EDI2XML?

EDI2XML is a technology to transform incoming EDI documents (X12 EDI files) into XML. At the same time, converting an XML document to EDI X12 format. This process of converting edi to xml is due to the fact that our company took the time to create predefined xml schemas (xsd files) that respond to the business needs of almost 100 % of EDI consumers.

Read: How does EDI2XML work?

EDI2XML converter

The fact that we have over 20 years of experience in converting X12 EDI to XML gives us a competitive advantage over other EDI developers. We have already successfully implemented this converter in many companies of different sizes from various industries. We also helped IT consultants use EDI2XML in their EDI integration projects.

EDI2XML as a Service is our popular translation and communication service. All conversions of EDI files are done on our end, leaving customers with no on-site installation of software or hardware and an EDI project that is on time and within budget.

Read: EDI Integration of B2B e-commerce for small companies

If you would like to know more about the plans offered for EDI2XML (Free EDI Consultation), or would like to see it in action (live Demo), please do not hesitate to contact us.

Free Guide Intro to EDI

Related Posts:

Electronic Data Interchange: Key Information You Need to Know
ANSI ASC X12 Standards Overview
What Are the Differences Between ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT
A technical introduction to EDI

This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.

Bed Bath & Beyond – Company Overview

Founded in 1971 Bed Bath & Beyond Inc.  is an American-owned omnichannel retailer offering a vast selection of high-quality domestic’s merchandise and home furnishings.

Bed Bath & Beyond (BBB) has an e-commerce platform consisting of various websites and applications. The Company also operates established retail stores in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, and Mexico. As of 2021, the company has a total of 1 020 stores and 55 000 employees.

Bed Bath & Beyond purchases its merchandise from 10 800 suppliers, 85% of such purchases are provided by small and medium-sized enterprises. The company’s 10 largest suppliers accounting for only 15% of purchases.

BBB faces growing competition from online stores, such as Amazon. To strengthen its presence on Internet, Company makes acquisitions such as Decorist an online interior design platform. One Kings Lane Inc. – an online home goods retailer which offers an extensive collection of designers. – online seller of personalized gifts. Of a Kind, is an e-commerce website that offers limited edition items from emerging fashion and home designers.

Bed Bath & Beyond EDI Compliance

To be among the Bed Bath & Beyond suppliers, you must be able to send and receive documents electronically in accordance with x12 EDI standards.

As a supplier of Bed Bath & Beyond your company may be required to exchange the following EDI business document types:

At any time, we can add additional Bed Bath and Beyond compliant EDI transactions at a customer’s request.

Check up our EDI Document Library

EDI Service Providers for Small Business

EDI2XML offers EDI integration with Bed Bath and Beyond to allow businesses of all sizes to become Bed Bath and Beyond EDI compliant.

Even small companies can trade with Bed Bath & Beyond using our EDI2XML Translation Service. Our services cover all:

  • EDI Mapping
  • Partner Configuration
  • Translation Processing
  • Standards Maintenance
  • XML Translation
  • EDI communication with Trading Partners, etc.

We also work with your team to easily integrate your EDI process with all major ERP systems.

Read: Convert EDI to XML: The Winning SaaS Option

Best EDI for Small Business

With our EDI converter, B2B companies have the ability to exchange essential business documents via EDI without hiring in-house EDI/IT personnel. Our EDI2XML Translation Service is the best EDI solution for B2B. This service is great for any business looking to implement EDI at an affordable price, without any headaches.

If you’re looking to complete an EDI project, Contact us today for your  FREE consultation to evaluate your EDI project.



The concept of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is still very abstract for a business owner up until today. More often, as soon as an SME (small to medium-size enterprise) is requested by an important partner to comply with electronic data interchange process or do EDI, everyone gets on a big pig panic inside the enterprise, and all reinforcements are being called to help with such project.

Why Integration projects are nightmare?

EDI IntegrationIn fact, large chains are extremely important customers for many small and medium size enterprises. It is therefore essential, even vital, for many of them to follow the requirements imposed by those major retailers. Actually, all the large chains use mainly EDI format to exchange business transactions with their partners.

However, it can be risky for a company to embark on EDI integration without carefully evaluating business processes and needs.


Recommendations and steps for a successful integration

More than any other IT solution, EDI technology can profoundly modify several business processes of the company. EDI integration projects, must be planned and executed, according to a coherent process. Here are the different steps:

Step-1 Preparing of an EDI implementation team

It is essential that senior management be involved in any EDI integration project and implementation, at least at a high level.

Ideally, the EDI implementation team should include representatives from different departments, such as operations management, sales and information services.

It is important for the team to design together a good flow of information, so everyone understands the issues, the scope, and the benefits of the project. A project manager, should be assigned to take charge of such a mandate.

Step-2 Setting a project timeline

The implementation team should set and ETA and develop a plan with a complete list of tasks, resources required, and delivery estimates.

Step-3 Choice of standards

While the choice of standard of EDI format and communication protocols is very limited, this phase consists on just reviewing and making sure all specs and documentations are in place for the kick-off.

Step-4 Choice of documents for EDI transaction

Often, trading partners specify the EDI standard and the type of documents they will send or accept. Sometimes partners use only a few of the possible documents such an Invoice EDI 810 form and purchase orders EDI 850 form.

Step-5 “On premises” or “cloud” based or EDI Web Sevice?

There are many ways to do EDI. It is depending of the anticipated transaction volume, or the size of the business. Going with a software solution deployed “on-premises” or adopting a “cloud based software” or maybe EDI Web Service

♦ The Cloud-based EDI Service is an excellent solution for Small and Medium-sized enterprises that do not have a budget for large EDI projects, and who do not have experienced staff with EDI exchange.

Learn more about EDI Solution as a Service for SMEs 

♦ The other way to get the most out of EDI, is by adopting a full EDI integration with your internal software management system like your ERP, CRM etc.

♦ EDI2XML Web Service, is for developers and businesses, interested in building their own EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) integration flows and programs. Normally, these individuals, are capable of interacting with external API and Web Services to translate EDI to XML and XML to EDI, and have the resources and expertise to work with Web Services and HTTP requests in order to achieve their goals. EDI2XML web service, is the premier choice for IT people as a reliable service to accomplish such integration projects.

Step-6 File Integration or direct system integration

When it comes to integration, the implementation should be decisive on how the integration to their CRM/ERP is going to happen: there are (2) methods to do such an integration; either through file integration, Where the ERP has already some built-in jobs to import data based on specific format, or direct integration. Obviously, this decision is also dependent on whether the software management system is a legacy system or a modern one, fully loaded with all kinds of API and programming interfaces. This part can be the most difficult and lengthy part, unlike what most people think…

Step-7 Integration project testing

Pilot projects are conducted both within the company and with external business partners. EDI test should be of a specified duration. They will help identify possible loopholes and establish a problem-solving plan. Technical employees should be trained in the technical aspects of EDI.

Step-8 Setting up

The implementation of the EDI system must be combined with several factors in order to be successful: adequate users training, proper implementation plan, and establishment of an emergency procedure.

For a small to medium-size enterprises, EDI integration is a good deal. An Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) capable enterprise retains an important customer or supplier and have a lot of opportunities to enter into new contracts with large companies.

For many years our EDI2XML service has been offering up-to-date integrated solutions at an affordable cost. We have been helping companies of all sizes, to optimize operations and improve their competitiveness.
