
This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.


One major advantage of the digital transformation and the massive adoption of the cloud, is the initiation of a serious discussion between business owners and executives from one side and their IT service providers from another side, for an outsourced IT services based on the best technology available today, at a reasonable price.

IT-outsourcing in the Digital Transformation era

Companies are more and more outsourcing their IT services to service providers. This process was motivated by customers’ desire to optimize their IT costs. There are different outsourcing models: hardware, software, data warehousing and storage, …

EDI2XML as a serviceFor many years we have seen the growing interest of the market towards a model called Software as a Service (SaaS). Although the term SaaS means only “software”, in fact, it is the most developed (to date) model of IT outsourcing, combining all the components listed above

What is Software as a Service?

Software as a service (SaaS) is one of the forms of cloud computing, a service model in which subscribers are provided with ready-made application software fully serviced by the provider. The vendor in this model manages the application, giving customers access to functions from client devices, usually through a mobile application or web browser.

The advantage of the SaaS model

The main advantage of the SaaS model for the consumer is the absence of costs associated with the installation, updating, and maintenance of the equipment and software that is being used by the company.

In the SaaS model:

  • The application is adapted for remote use
  • One application is used by several clients (the application is communal)
  • Payment is charged either in the form of a monthly subscription fee or on the basis of the volume of transactions
  • Technical support of the application is included in the payment
  • Updating and upgrading the application is quick and transparent for customers.

As with all forms of cloud computing, customers do not pay for ownership of the software, but for renting it (i.e. using it through a mobile application or Web interface).

Thus, as opposed to the classic software licensing scheme, the customer has relatively small recurring costs and does not need to invest heavily in the acquisition of the application program and the necessary Software and hardware for its deployment, and then maintain its performance, for the years to come.

EDI translation software in the Digital Transformation

Many entrepreneurs realize that using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a necessary condition to do successful business. Even in some cases, there is no choice, it is mandatory to be EDI compliant in order to trade with big channels like Walmart, Costco, Canadian Tire or Target. Businesses are looking for the most profitable and cost effective EDI solution to implement.

Read: EDI X12, EDIFACT, CSV, XML – Why is a conversion necessary?


EDI benefits are obvious in business. One of the major advantages of EDI, is that it can quickly improve and develop an enterprise bottom line.

If the company is EDI compliant, it will be able to expand its turnover without a significant influx of new employees. Certainly, another advantage of EDI is that it reduces human errors, increases efficiency and the quality of information.

Read: EDI converter: Benefits of converting between EDI and XML


What are the advantages of using EDI as a Service?

EDI2XML as a Service is an ideal solution for companies of all sizes and from various industries who seek to implement an edi solution to comply with their trading partners and want to simplify the entire integration of their EDI in their Systems and processes.

With EDI2XML as a service, edi is converted to xml and from there, it can be transformed to any format that our client is capable of working with and integrate into his own CRM/ERP.

There is no need for our clients to install any software or hardware. We manage the entire workflow of integration, from setting up new partner, configuring and testing EDI documents and certification with the trading partner. We can even go farther by integrating directly into our clients’ ERP or CRNM systems using certified connectors from the Manufacturer (i.e. SAP, JDE, Microsoft AX…). As a result, our clients have a quick and painless fully integrated solution, and continuous streamlined EDI and data flow between all partners.

Choose to outsource your digital transformation projects

Whatever EDI converter you are looking for: edifact to xml, convert edi to xml online, convert x12 to xml online, etc. We have the best EDI Solution for your business. So, do you want to exchange electronic documents with customers, suppliers, and business partners, with a cost effective and optimal way? Then you have to check EDI2XML as a Services live.

Contact us today for more information and free EDI Consultation.

Free EDI consultation

EDI (or Electronic data interchange) is the electronic file format used to exchange business transactions between trading partners. ANSI X12 is the most commonly used format of EDI in North America in the retail, manufacturing and healthcare industries.

EDI2XML is a mapping tool, capable of converting EDI files to XML. “Out of the box” EDI2XML translates EDI documents (i.e. 850, 860, 820…) into XML format that is readable by people and systems. It is capable of translating an XML format into an EDI format (i.e. 810,856,..). Basically, EDI2XML is an EDI to XML converter; it is also an XML to EDI converter.

Using EDI2XML helps you:

  • Streamline and simplify EDI projects, and cut EDI mapping software costs by 75 %.
  • Increase your Return on investment on EDI integration projects, by eliminating the need for complex EDI systems, and expensive EDI software that takes weeks and months to setup and configure.
  • Increase efficiency of your developers and EDI integrators, by providing them with a great EDI translation software, without the need of  extensive EDI expertise. “Out of the box”, the edi2xml engine provides an easy to read EDI document in a user friendly XML format which is very simple to integrate into any business software application.

EDI2XML converts EDI to XML. The same engine is intelligent enough to process XML and convert to EDI. Both engines, are bundled together and offered under the SAAS model (software as a service), where you pay per EDI docmeunt, per trading partner and per year. EDI2XML is the EDI translation software as a service that can help you get started with your EDI integration projects at a very low initial capital investment.

Read: Convert EDI to XML: the Winning SaaS Option

Free EDI Demo 

Not interested in EDI integration projects, and looking for a complete Business Management Software Suite, that has a built-in EDI capability? Click here to learn more about our ErpWizard Suite, our premium management software solution!